Investiture day

Investiture Ceremony

11 August 2022

Our newly elected Body of Student Council stepped into the leadership roles and took the oath to faithfully work for the school. It is the most prestigious ceremony of school events.

Independence Day

15 August 2022

Independence Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm and respect at GJR International School. The students performed various actiivites to express their respect, love and patriotism towards the Mother Land and spread the message to the audience to live and experience the freedom, peace and Unity in Diversity.

Independence Day Independence Day Independence Day Independence Day Independence Day
Sports Day Sports Day Sports Day Sports Day Sports Day

Sports Day

29 August 2022

In India, National Sports Day is celebrated on 29th August every year to commemorate the contribution of sports celebrities. The 29th of August was chosen as National Sports Day to respect Major Dhyan Chand, a legendary hockey player. On National Sports Day, our staff and students participated in athletics and many other sports.