

Admission Process

Admission to the school is open to all boys and girls meeting the admission age criteria irrespective of social status, religion, or nationality.

In other words, we make admissions decisions based on the school’s ability to meet the applicant’s needs and do our best to include all in age-appropriate mainstream learning as much as possible.

Step 1: Admission Enquiry & Registration

  • Register your enquiry by filling out and submitting the Admissions Enquiry Form online
  • The admissions team will reach out to you within 24 hours
  • After the initial interaction with the admissions counselor, you may proceed to set out a date and time to visit the school

You can also choose to call the school office number for an appointment and submit the Admissions Enquiry Form at the school office directly, if convenient.

Step 2: School Visit and Assessment

  • At the school office on the appointed date and time, the admissions team will take you
    through the formalities
  • You can take a short tour of the school premises while the HRTs interact with your child
  • Students seeking admission to Grade 6 and above will have to go through a brief written
    assessment process.

Step 3: Confirmation of Admission and Submission of Application

  • Once Admission is confirmed, you may proceed to collect the Application Form, by paying a nominal fee of ₹500/-, from the School Office.
  • The Application Form, duly filled in all respects, has to be submitted at the School Office, within 7 days from the date of confirmation, along with self-attested copies of the following documents:
    • Birth Certificate of the applicant
    • Aadhaar card of the applicant and both parents
    • Passport of the applicant and both parents [Foreign Nationals]
    • Academic Records of the applying student for the previous 2 years [Grade 2 and above]
    • Transfer Certificate from the previous school [Grade 2 and above]
    • Medical Records of the applicant [Immunization, medical condition/ special needs]
    • Passport-size photographs of the applicant [3] and parents
  • Registration fee and the First Term Fee has to be paid at the time of submitting the application to complete the Admission Process