5 ways to improve communication skills in kids

Communication is an important tool for each one of us. It is essential to convey the right message at the right time in an appropriate manner for the other person to interpret it in a way we want them to. What is more essential is the hold on the language, fluency, vocabulary, and confidence with which we communicate. Sometimes it is critical to watch the body language as well, especially if you are public speaking.
From toddlers to adults, at every stage, we face diverse communication challenges. It is vital to start practicing communication skills at an early age to gain confidence. Communication skills can be gained with consistent efforts and practice. Gaining the confidence to speak is required more than ever. Whether it is a classroom, a workplace, or a social gathering, a person with good communication skills always takes the spotlight. Furthermore, even companies prefer hiring people with good communication skills.
Now the question arises, how to improve communication skills? At what stage of life one should start focussing on communication skills? Let us answer the second question first. The answer is at the earliest. Earlier the better. Parents and teachers play a crucial role in the development of communication skills in the kids. It doesn’t mean, as adults, we cannot practice becoming good communicators. Where there is a will, there is a way. Since we want to focus on kids in this article, we intend to provide some tips that can help kids work on their communication skills.
We will now come to the question, how to improve communication skills? There are some habits that parents and teachers should encourage kids to adopt. With consistent efforts, kids can gain much-needed skills at a very early stage of their life. So here are 5 ways to improve communication skills in kids.
Communicate in a language that you want to learn –
Since English is the official language in India, we will provide tips to learn good English in this article. You must have heard this proverb, ‘Practice makes a man perfect’. The more you speak, the more you learn. Wherever you are, communicate in English. If case of any doubts, seek your parent’s and teachers’ help.
Learn as you watch a movie or a TV show-
Every kid loves to watch movies. Watching movies or series is fun. However, learning while having fun is even more fun. Here is the way to do that. In case, you come across some new words, make a note of them. Later, when you are done watching a movie, go back to check the meaning of words on the internet and try making sentences using the words. Easy isn’t it!
Participate in debates and essay competitions –
You are given a topic for a debate or an essay competition. Do thorough research on the topic. Learn some trending words related to the topic. Write down the words, understand their meaning, and make sentences using those words. Keep writing until you feel you got the flow and it conveys the right message to your audience. Discuss and seek the help of your parents and teachers to make it better. If it is a debate, discuss the topic with various people to understand their views. This will help you improve your views and points that you can put across your audience.
In this method, you are not only gaining knowledge on a new topic, but you are improving your writing and speaking skills.
Work on your listening skills –
The world lacks good listeners. This is one skill that most of us must work on. We are constantly thinking about the response we should give even while someone is talking. We always want to be ready with answers. But in reality, we are losing some of the important information the other person is giving us. It could be as basic as the usage of a new word or how the person pronounces it. A lot is happening around us every minute. Paying attention to the details can help us gain more knowledge compared to any other form of learning.
Reading can be the ultimate –
Inculcate the habit of reading. Reading books can do wonders to your vocabulary. Be persistent and consistent in cultivating this habit. This can take you a long way. It gives you the ability and confidence to make a point. The habit of reading is an asset. Knowledge is power, and the ability to communicate is the weapon. Therefore, sharpen your skills to withstand the competition in the ever-changing world.